PlayerData Connect

You can now view full tactical and quantitative metrics in-game while it's happening.

PlayerData’s new mobile-connected technology provides up-to-the-minute insights into your team’s performance during a game or training session. 

PD Connect Gateway

How to get Connected?

You need at least one of our new Connect Gateways to get started. Before your session, set your gateway up at the side of the pitch (with the provided tripod), start a 'New Connected' session in the PlayerData mobile app and then use your PlayerData EDGE units as normal. Once your session starts you will see metrics updating in-app.

How does it work?

The Gateway has a SIM card and connects to a cellular network. It then periodically requests GPS data from each EDGE unit on the field via Bluetooth and uploads it using its cellular connection. Once uploaded, our system calculates the metrics and updates your session in the PlayerData app.

Are the metrics the same as using EDGE Sync?

Yes, the data collected during a Connected session is the same high-resolution GPS data previously collected after a standard session. You will be able to see all your metrics and all positional maps update as the session is in progress.

How fast will my metrics get updated?

Metrics for an athlete are updated around once every 30 seconds. The overall session metrics will update more often as averages and totals will be recalculated every time an athlete's metrics change.

There are a few factors that can affect the speed of updates to your session such as Mobile Network coverage, number of athletes in a session, and other 3rd party network speeds.

What happens if I lose cellular signal?

While you lose cellular signal you will stop seeing updates in the PlayerData app but this doesn't mean you will lose any data. EDGE units continually collect data while connected to GPS satellites. If the system detects any missing data, it will simply request the data it's missing once it gets connected again and your data will catch up. The connected session in-app displays a 'confidence indicator' to make it clear if there are any gaps.

What is the range of the system?

A single gateway when placed at the halfway point of a pitch on the sideline will be able to track the performance of your full team. The range between a gateway and an EDGE unit is between 100-150m with an unobstructed line of sight. In game conditions this range can vary. If an EDGE unit goes out of range for any reason you won't lose any data - when the player comes back into range of the Gateway, the system will request the missing data and your metrics will catch up.

How much does it cost?

There is a yearly charge per Connect gateway, nothing else. Please get in touch with us to find out more.