PlayerData Connect Gateway Light Guide

This is a quick guide for your PlayerData Connect Gateway lights and what they mean

Power Switch:

To turn on the gateway, use the switch located on the bottom.

Side Light:

Live photo 2
  • Single Yellow Blink – connecting to network
  • Double Yellow Blink – connected to network, trying to connect to internet.
  • Breathing Red – connected to the network, registered correctly, not assigned to a session.
  • Breathing Yellow – connected to the network, registered
    correctly, assigned to a session, waiting to connect to units.
  • Breathing Green – connected to the network, registered
    correctly, assigned to a session, connected to units and
    sending data to the internet.

Charging the Gateway:

Turn on the gateway and insert the charging cable to charge. Takes approximately one hour to charge fully, don't charge overnight or for long suspended periods of time.