EDGE SYNC and Session Creation

How to sync EDGE data after a match or training session

After your training session you can sync edge data and then assign this to your athletes. You won't have to re-upload data if you've input your session times wrong or if you need to remove and add athletes from a session.


1. Ensure your bluetooth is on and the units are turned on and nearby after your session. Please keep EDGE units out of the charging dock while syncing. 

2. Tap the central '+' icon, and a new option will appear, select 'SYNC DATA'. 

3.  The units will then be auto detected and will start to sync all of the data they have stored.

4. Tap 'DONE' when the sync is complete.





5. Tap the central '+' icon and select 'NEW SESSION'.

6. Create your match session or training session by tapping the '+' icon and then 'ADD EDGE DATA'  

7.  You will then be prompted to assign the EDGE units that have synced data during this period to the players in this session.

8. The data will then be automatically populated in your created session for you to view.